Thread: Did Sony make the right move investing in VR?
Sony invested in VR - for sure. But they didn't invest *that much.* I'm not saying it's an insignificant amount in the grand scheme of things. Developing hardware is expensive, and there are opportunity cost that compounds when you factor in the fact that they've published a fair amount of VR first-party games, even if none of them are at the level of the console AAA releases. It's an interesting experiment and a diversion that they could afford at the point of time they're in - coming out at a time when Oculus and HTC/Valve were also hot-off-the-ovens with their gen1, and we could see the results of VR mass market with 3 platforms on the market as opposed to just 2. The results were not great, but they were meaningful for future considerations. It was a decently timed move. If they planned to continue with PSVR2, then it was a right first move to establish their position in the market as a key VR provider. If they don't plan to go ahead with PSVR2, then the timing of their attempt was perhaps the least competitively dangerous time for them to do so ( they're leading in traditional console sales/VR market was most ripe as it was new ) and also the time that they could stand to gain the most from it in the short-term.
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Thread: Motion Matching: The cutting-edge technique powering The Last of Us 2
With ND, it is important to contextualise what their game design tenets are. Unless the core ambition of the game from the off-set is to 'go big in a bombastic way', they are not a studio who chases broad innovations for the sake of being different. They look at the few key things that they want to hone in - and focus on polishing that and delivering what they feel are the best gameplay innovations to support that goal. There are many games that can easily boast "we added a melee combat system" or "we smartened the AI". There are not many games where the addition of a melee system is coupled together with a lot of animation coverage, collision, etc to basically make your combat and movement reactive to the environment around you in a non cutscene-like way. In making smarter enemies, ND also wanted to expand the way they act - thus increasing the believability in things like enemy moving to check in with each other, calling names - etc. The amount of depth that went into these 'new additions', even if not obvious from a pure gameplay mechanics perspective - are very clearly given a lot of focus to build out the depth of the new gameplay from the standpoint of making the experience feel more tangible. The fact that the demo triggered a question on 'how real is it' says enough. Despite not having mechanics or systemic design at the level of say - Dishonored or Prey, what they did have are so deeply interlinked to the overall experience they're going for that the mechanics didn't seem real.
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Thread: Layden: WWS's structure is the only one that delivers AAA-content across the 3 regions (US/EU/JPN)
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Thread: Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus |OT| Amerika ist wieder großartig
I've played 4 hours of The New Colossus thus far, and it's probably the most disappointing game I've played this year. Not because the game is bad or the story is bad, but rather the story they're telling; the character moments they're selling, the gravitas of the situation... I had this inkling feeling wit TNO, but it's ripped open with TNC. I wish this story wasn't a Machinegames-style FPS action-shooter, but a linear-ish RPG that truly allows you to explore the sights and sounds of a Nazi-occupied America. I'm unable to shake off the feeling that this game's story would've been so much more amplified if the world was more meaningfully open for the player to immerse themselves in; especially since the game already does a ridiculously good job at it to begin with.
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Between Brok and Sindri, the most I recall them saying something about the Blades is along the lines of "someday you're going to tell me who made them."
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Hephaestus, the Greek god of blacksmiths.
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I got quite invested in the whole "Valkyries must reunite to fix the problem with Hel being overcrowded' thing in the end. I hope that the 2nd game doesn't just make that something resolved behind-the-scenes and actually give us a playable arc with a Valkyrie. I think it'd be relatively cool narrative and mechanics-wise. You play as a Valkyrie, either an unintroduced one, or one of the Eight, and that is your gateway into seeing what Asgard is like and interacting with the gods in a non-confrontation manner; while you get a story arc that brings you back to Midgard and Hel to fix the problems from the first game. From a mechanics perspective, you could have the Atreus-equivalent be a Einhenjar that you can change and equip - deeping the loot and gear system. Alternatively, there is avenue to explore exploration from being in physical form vs being in spirit form.
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From what we know of the early days of God of War's conception, it was Sony themselves who questioned if there is a need at all to continue the GoW franchise after Ascension's tepid response. And it was Cory, and the studio - who championed the continuation of the franchise, keeping Kratos as a protagonist, and heck, planning far ahead that there's a high-level roadmap for future games and stories post GoW 2018.
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Thread: Playstation and XBOX Trailer stats on youtube post E3
Below is my view on the install base perspective.
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Thread: Playstation and XBOX Trailer stats on youtube post E3
God of War is one of the worst examples you can give in relation to games performance based off youtube metrics, because the youtube metrics for that game was phenomenal. Best performing E3 trailer of 2016, and top 5 in 2017.
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Thread: Playstation and XBOX Trailer stats on youtube post E3
Here you go:
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Thread: Playstation and XBOX Trailer stats on youtube post E3
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Thread: Playstation and XBOX Trailer stats on youtube post E3
To be fair, Gears 4 also had very low view counts across the board - yet its sales were not as proportionally bad as the youtube views indicate. Not to say it sold great, it didn't - but for some reason Gears just do not draw high levels of interest and awareness of the YouTube platform. P.S. I'm not counting the Gears 4 ad which they ran - that one was ad-inflated like crazy.
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Thread: Playstation and XBOX Trailer stats on youtube post E3
Please refer to: and give credit to Mike Armbrust's work. Also, if you're going to do this - you can afford to be broader too. Kindly consider adding more trailers - if need be, I can change the headline.
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Thread: Playstation and XBOX Trailer stats on youtube post E3
Certainly. I'm not asking a carbon-copy - but having broader context helps. Like you can add a Third Party Section in your OP to highlight the top third-party trailers.
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Thread: Playstation and XBOX Trailer stats on youtube post E3
TLOU2 and Battlefield V L/D ratio is low for the level of views and engagement it's getting... due to the higher than average no. of dislikes. There's one similarity between both these games.
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Thread: Playstation and XBOX Trailer stats on youtube post E3
1. This is Ghost's first gameplay premiere - so it'll naturally draw a lot of views as the first-time showcase of how the game actually plays. 2. Spiderman last year had for the E3 2017 gameplay premiere. It's normal for games trailers to decline in subsequent showcases. 3. This is KH3's 356/2th trailer at this point. There is trailer fatigue - the fact that KH consistently hits so many million views across so many trailers is testament of popularity.
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Thread: Playstation and XBOX Trailer stats on youtube post E3
Please make trailer analysis and comparisons in good faith. I've seen nothing that's bad ( it's absolutely normal to compare big IPs of competitor publishers, etc ) and thus it's just a general statement, but don't antagonise each other. ******* Regarding Halo and TLOU2's views: 1. TLOU's brand recognition and fanbase has grown over the years. Even with only one game in its belt - its social metrics are not inferior to games that have many games and are multi-generational IPs. People fucking love TLOU. 2. Gameplay premieres "traditionally" do better than reveal/teaser trailers. When it comes to E3 trailers - the ones with the most momentum are more often than not - longform gameplay demos, and not the 2-3 minute reveals. It's not an apple-to-apple comparison in both perspectives. Halo Infinite has the handicap of being a 'reveal teaser' instead of a gameplay premiere, and the latter historically performs more better in terms of views and momentum. TLOU2 has the handicap of not being an IP like what some would put Halo or Zelda at - multi-generational IPs that are really huge. If both Halo Infinite and TLOU2 have a gameplay reveal trailer next year, I expect Halo's to win convincingly by virtue of it being the 'first reveal of gameplay' as opposed to TLOU's 2nd ( or 3rd ) gameplay trailer by then.
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Thread: Playstation and XBOX Trailer stats on youtube post E3
The metrics for Anthem is not "outstanding", but it's a new IP and last year's gameplay reveal got ~8mil views, which is a respectably high figure. You have to look at games that have already been revealed before the context of its showcases. Spiderman's not doing 60 mil views this year because Spidey doesn't not command the attention and mindshare anymore this year- having already exhausted the 'gamplay premiere' card.
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Thread: When are we getting LoH Trails of Cold Steel III in the West? No.4 is nearly out in Japan!
From a business perspective, Falcom is in no rush to chase the global market in terms of expediting localisation to close the gap between the Japanese release and the rest of the world. As a whole, Falcom's business at this point is still: 70% : Japan 15% : Asia ( excluding Japan ) 15% : Rest of the World ( America/Europe/Other) They don't feel the business incentive at this point to change the way they work.
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Thread: Kotaku Sources: Google Is Planning A Game Platform That Could Take On Xbox And PlayStation
It's easy to be cynical about it given how much of a wet-noodle Apple and Amazon's "so-called" entry into the space was ( if it was even that ), but honestly - this is something we won't know until we know how committed they are. Like - Phil Harrison is there. Long-time Sony and MS stalwart, he should be very well aware what the painful realities of high-end console business are. Very low margins in hardware, extremely high operating cost and investment to build 3rd-party relationships and first-party investment, and each AAA failure is a studio-shuttering money sink. There is a world where Google just decides to be like Amazon or Apple - baby steps, set-up 2/3 studios, go at it slow and steady and we see nothing substantial from it, eventually peters out. There is also a possibility that Google decides they want to burn an absurb amount of cash to hire thousands of new employees into the organisation, buy/build out 10 studios and build out a content pipeline over many many years and will be willing to be in the red for 5+ years for the sake of entering the oligopoly. It remains to be seen. Companies like Apple, Amazon and Google all have the money to enter the market. It's a question of whether or not they're willing to spend it because gaming is NOT a high-margin business.
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Thread: Ys Community Thread |OT| Shipwrecker by Day, Survivor by Night, Always an Adventurer!
Ys VIII is still unavailable in my region. I’m super salty about it.
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Thread: YU-NO: A Girl Who Chants Love at the Bound of this World ps4/steam western release 2019
Threads about actual 18+ only games with sexual content would be locked - barring context of discussion as to why they're brought up. There's plenty of visual novels that either have all-ages versions or are all-ages to begin with. Nowadays more and more eroge-brands are establishing their visual novel IPs out-the-gate without any porn in it.
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Thread: God of War |OT2| Mad Dad Redemption
spoiler-tagged it for you. This isn't an open-spoiler thread.
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Thread: God of War |OT2| Mad Dad Redemption
Finished the game two days ago, with about 70% of the side-content completed before reaching the story ending. The game has a lot of room for improvement; and a lot of the criticisms ranging from boss quantity/diversity, the limited interplay between world design and combat design, pacing in 2nd half, etc etc is pretty valid. That being said, it's also, I feel a game that is very, very well put together. Individually speaking some of the game components, at first glance doesn't seem all that fun, deep or involved, but the game's ability to put together the puzzles pieces of amazing presentation, performance, writing, sense of space, creative design that forces a degree of spatial awareness, great combat design and moment-to-moment pacing is stellar. There are many games where if I imagine a world where some aspects of the game weren't there, it wouldn't hurt the experience much. Whereas in God of War, if any part of the overall experience even lacked say... if Mimir wasn't in the game at all? If the writing wasn't able to find the right balance of amusing and serious? If the side-content were revealed to you from the get-go? Etc etc? I feel like if even one of those aspects fall short, the game would've been a lot worse. I dunno where to put this game after the first few days with it, but personally I feel like I'll settle it at a 9/10. However, there are not many AAA games where I'm thinking about wanting to play it again. And it's not only just the combat. Even if it's just moving around the world with a boat to hear more stories. The game has its hook.
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Thread: God of War |OT2| Mad Dad Redemption
Part of the strength of this game's sidequest is also a matter of presentation and execution. By and large, the areas that you go to for side-quest are far removed from the critical path and they are not exposed to you, hidden by fog or keys. And normally they are larger in size and content than what you'd expect side-content to be. Part of this game's strength lies in its ability to subvert expectations, if you went in with traditional GoW expectations. The first time you open that gate that ask you to destroy a statue, and discovering that whole section is optional content is pretty cool. Had the game's side-content areas been exposed to you immediately, and if you actually had to go there first to do a main story mission, etc and your sidequest simply brings you back to an old location; and if the area didn't have interesting aspects that aren't found outside of the side missions... The sense of quality would've dipped a lot. Even if it was the same exact content.
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Thread: BLack Clover | OT | All Ive been doing so far is yelling!!!!
The Reincarnation Magic incubates souls of elves onto a large number of people throughout the Kingdom, and presumably doesn't discriminate between anyone unless perhaps that of royal blood. That Rill and Luck had elf souls inside them is just the luck of the draw.
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Thread: Captain Tsubasa Dream Team released worldwide
CT is too time-consuming if you want to play it rather seriously and optimise for dreamballs. Between league, PvP, story, training, lottery reset, and shared games, I definitely got burned out. I'll come back to it more casually, but I'm taking a break for the moment.
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Thread: Captain Tsubasa Dream Team released worldwide
I bought 15 paid balls from the last dreamfest, gonna pull them as singles for this banner. Misaki and Misugi are high on my want-list. And I wouldn't mind a Hyuga that's got more shoot power than Invicible Ace Striker.
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Thread: Captain Tsubasa Dream Team released worldwide
I’d say a lot of it is luck. This is my current team now after spending ~400 dB and 1 GSSR ticket. (Still have one more to cash in) I have 4 extra gacha units that are dupes or don’t fit the 3 remaining slots in my team. Had all of them turn out to be good pulls, I too would have a 400k team by now.
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Thread: Captain Tsubasa Dream Team released worldwide
Do we know how SSR tickets work in terms of rates and pools? I don’t expect to be able to pull DF characters but I also wouldn’t want a rate up on Jito and Wakashimazu.
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Thread: Captain Tsubasa Dream Team released worldwide
You might want to wait till your Dreamfest pull. Since Wakashimazu is on rate-up, there's a chance you may get him.
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Thread: Captain Tsubasa Dream Team released worldwide
280 dreamballs. Dreamfest Matsuyama Napoleon ( Volley Edition ) Santana Wakashimazu x 2
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Thread: Captain Tsubasa Dream Team released worldwide
A few questions for those who's more experienced with the long-term meta: - Now that I have an excess of SRs, what should I be doing with those that I don't need? I'm approaching the 300 gold coin mark needed to buy the 2 GSSR tickets, but afaik, after that they're no longer refilled, so is there any need to hoard or is it ok to just sell off the 3rd/4th repeat characters that has no SSR version? ( thus no value in keeping for skill transfer) - Dupe Wakashimazu. Keep/Sell? I've heard that there are blue coins in future Japanese updates for dupes? - Dreamfest Matsuyama... Ok, so I've gotten Dreamfest Matsuyama. But I also have a UR regular gacha Matsuyama that has a shoot skill that the dreamfest version doesn't have. Should I keep two versions of the Matsuyama ( both are different positions anyway, DF and DMF ) or should I transfer the skill of the regular Matsuyama to the dreamfest version?
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Thread: Captain Tsubasa Dream Team released worldwide
Even those without an gacha variant like the Thailand Brothers?
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Thread: Captain Tsubasa Dream Team released worldwide
I don't know if it's good advise, but I pretty much don't use any N/R level items and sell them all. I only use SR and above coaches/books.
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Thread: Captain Tsubasa Dream Team released worldwide
4 outta 5 hit-rate ain't so bad. I have Jito and Zino (a better keeper), so it's 3 out of 5 for me in terms of banner desirability. That being said, Santana, Natureza and Matsuyama are ridiculously high on my want-list so I'm probably going to burn all my dreamballs on this banner. If I get all 3 of them (HAHAHA), that's pretty much all I need in terms of a team composition for the time-being.
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Thread: Captain Tsubasa Dream Team released worldwide
Skills: Eagle Tackle (S-Rank) Eagle Pass (A-Rank) Avalance Attack (A-Rank) Dreamfest Matsuyama is purely a defensive player, he has no Eagle Shoot like current DF Matsuyama.
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Thread: Captain Tsubasa Dream Team released worldwide
Dreamfest Matsuyama is a DMF instead of a DF.
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Thread: Captain Tsubasa Dream Team released worldwide
Real Japan 7 sudden raids are live. Will be running them for anyone interested.
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Thread: Captain Tsubasa Dream Team released worldwide
My Santana Eagle Shot is only at level 25 after that morning blitz since I left halfway. It's just that I'm focused on stockpiling the necessary XP and Coach books in preparation to buy my first SSR ticket, having finally gotten the necessary gold coins for them. RNGesus pls don't dupe me. Ideally I want a SSR GK or DM.
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Thread: Captain Tsubasa Dream Team released worldwide
Not the specific one I wanted, but a GK that's not a dupe is a great get.
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Thread: Captain Tsubasa Dream Team released worldwide
EXP raid is live, and I'm sharing matches till it ends.
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Thread: Captain Tsubasa Dream Team released worldwide
You could afford to wait a minute longer though, ideally it'd be great to get 3/4 filled. 2/4 kinda feels wasteful.
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Thread: Captain Tsubasa Dream Team released worldwide
Current squad after revising the defensive layout: I have the drills to push Kaltz to SSR, but I'm always wary about spending them drills since I'm now finally out of stock for most of them. :D
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Thread: Captain Tsubasa Dream Team released worldwide
The results from my 2mil 30-ball transfer. I'm pretty happy with it. :D
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Thread: Captain Tsubasa Dream Team released worldwide
Are there any reason to not use point transfer and SR+ or R+ premium tickets once you've gotten them? My SR+ ticket has a 5% SSR rate, just like during rate-up. Dreamfest will have these rates too, afaik.
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Thread: Captain Tsubasa Dream Team released worldwide
Where I'm at now: SSR wishlist atm: 1. SSR Wakabayashi to replace weak-link raid Gino. 2. SSR gacha Santana to replace raid Santana. 3. SSR Misaki to replace Matsuyama & activate the Twin abilities currently on Club Tsubasa. 4. SSR Misugi to complement Jito in the 4-DF lineup.
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Thread: Captain Tsubasa Dream Team released worldwide
All difficulties? Completing events for first time on different difficulties will also net you dreamballs. Also, the "missions" such as the dailies/weeklies/free missions will also give different rewards, like dreamballs. E.g. leveling up your first "Rare" character to Max level nets you one dream ball.
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Thread: Captain Tsubasa Dream Team released worldwide
JP sites show him to be lower-tier compared to the one w/S-rank Fire Shot. His main skill is an S-rank twin shot with Hyuga and a A-rank dribble skill. Seems kinda meh. Won't say no to pulling him though, I'd put that skill on my current Schneider so that I have one that has all 3 bases covered ( B-rank Fire Shot, A-rank Overhead Fire Shot, and S-rank Fire Tiger Shot ) I want that Muller & Gentile
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Thread: Captain Tsubasa Dream Team released worldwide
Unless broflap is mistaken, the banner with Muller and co. is supposed to be 5%, according to the stream?
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Thread: Captain Tsubasa Dream Team released worldwide
Wait, I know Rivaul is not in the game gacha yet, but I thought I saw Espada in tier-list of top GKs?
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Thread: Captain Tsubasa Dream Team released worldwide
My current dream-team list, composed of members that aren't even in the game yet, maybe. :D FW: Hyuuga, Schneider, Santana. MF: Diaz, Natureza, Cruyford. DF: Matsuyama, Misugi, Owairan, Gentile. GK: Wakashimazu, Selinas Golden Eagle Shot version pls.
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Thread: Captain Tsubasa Dream Team released worldwide
My current lineup. Any suggestions on who's next to level up?
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Thread: Captain Tsubasa Dream Team released worldwide
Hernandez isn't a gacha SR, so I'm actually keeping him for the last of the bunch. His stats are gonna be bad even if I up-rank him compared to a potential gacha SR keeper. 3/4 is pretty good already imo. It's not worth waiting for more than 2-3 minutes imo.
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Thread: Captain Tsubasa Dream Team released worldwide
So you already SSR-ed 20 gacha SRs to sell for 300 gold coins!?
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Thread: Captain Tsubasa Dream Team released worldwide
Haven't been playing as often as I would have liked, and missed out on a lot of shared-play opportunities... This is what I have now, I guess. Of course, Kojiro, Karl, Diaz and Kojiro are on the UR fast-track, but the rest I'm hesitant to spend any real resources on them because I'm hoping I get to pull better players soon.
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Thread: Captain Tsubasa Dream Team released worldwide
Sure, but I haven't even reached the point where I can UR my 4 gacha SSRs, so I'm hoping that in between working that out, I could luck it out on the Dreamfest/etc to get a good replacement for my current SR or free SSRs in Tsubasa/Misaki. If I don't, then after my mainstays are UR-ed, I'll begrudgingly spend the resources on the rest.
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Thread: Captain Tsubasa Dream Team released worldwide
That new 1mil campaign with 30-balls for a 10-roll, and guarenteed SR and above. Hopefully I get a good defender to replace my current "R" Sota, and someone who's better than the SR welfare Gino goalkeeper. Give me a damn Wakabayashi, Muller or, even though I hate him in the story, SGGK Wakabayashi.
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Thread: Captain Tsubasa Dream Team released worldwide
You're absolutely right about Jito though.... his A & S rank defensive skills have been the difference between win/loss in a line-up. The game gacha leans heavily in favour of attacking midfielders and forwards too much. By the way, any tips on how to better utilise offensive skills that are only possible via airborne passes? I love my German Ace Striker, but his skill being Overhead Fire Shot means he's only useful for me during corner kicks when I don't want to expend the stamina for Drive Kick & Neo Tiger Shot.
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Thread: Captain Tsubasa Dream Team released worldwide
So I've managed to get another set of 50 dreamballs... Roll the gacha again or wait for a better banner? Right now this is my line-up. I think the offensive line-up is pretty good, but defensively? Eh.
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Thread: Captain Tsubasa Dream Team released worldwide
Keepers with S-rank skills. D:<
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Thread: Captain Tsubasa Dream Team released worldwide
Can't wait for Raiju Shoot Hyuga and Natureza to be in the banner.
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Thread: Captain Tsubasa Dream Team released worldwide
By the way, I imagine that if I get a better version of a character, there's no way to transfer the EXP put in the inferior version into the superior version? Gotta feed the new gacha all the books from scratch? :P
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Thread: Captain Tsubasa Dream Team released worldwide
I'm not good enough to get 25k TPs on Santana Raid yet...
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Thread: Captain Tsubasa Dream Team released worldwide
I'll be adding some of you folks as friends, if you don't mind. :)
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Thread: Captain Tsubasa Dream Team released worldwide
My luck with this gacha seems fairly decent. Two 50-ball pulls so far has netted me in rate-up SSR Kojiro, Jito and Kaiser. And of course I re-rolled for Diaz. Now the freebie SSR Tsubasa is the weak link of my offensive front lol.
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Thread: Captain Tsubasa Dream Team released worldwide
Hindsight is 20/20, but I wish I had Kaltz now that my forwards are stacked, but I have no good defense lol.
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Thread: Captain Tsubasa Dream Team released worldwide
Sent a request to the club. Name: Night ID: 332 806 423
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Thread: Captain Tsubasa Dream Team released worldwide
Sure. I know I'm in a queue. :P
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Thread: Captain Tsubasa Dream Team released worldwide
Please reserve one slot for me if possible. I'm only rank 3 now, but am planning to quickly catch up in like... the next few hours.
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Thread: AI: The Somnium Files announced (Kotaro Uchikoshi's new murder detective VN) - PS4/Steam/Switch
I think the detective's design is more stereotypically cliche to the Japanese design norms typically found in their animated shows ( tldr; more 'anime' ) than Iris's.
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Thread: Kill La Kill Game announced ( genre: Battle Action, developed by Aplus, published by ArcSys )
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Thread: My Hero Academia: Season 3 |OT| One for All and All for One
I liked that scene, but Yutaka Nakamura literally had no self-control there.
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Thread: Eurogamer: Leaks suggest Retro Studios making Star Fox racing spin-off (also heard by EG's sources)
Edited headline to add that the news here is that EG's sources also heard similar.
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Thread: Eurogamer: Leaks suggest Retro Studios making Star Fox racing spin-off (also heard by EG's sources)
They are that rumour with their own sources.
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Thread: Yakuza Community |OT| No Yakuza here officer
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Thread: Kiseki/Trails Community|OT|Familiar faces~, Zemurian places—SPOILERTAGS OR DIE!
Sprites allow for cinematography to be fixed at an angle that's easily set and there are leeway in character animation, movement and modelling requirements in sprites vs 3DS models. If I look at all the cinematic moments in the 3D Falcom games, a lot of them are very simplistic and used preset animations that was already key-framed for the main combat encounters. An equivalent of those scenes in a big-budget AAA game are mo-capped cutscenes with distinct animation that is tailor made for the sequences.
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Thread: Tokyo Xanadu eX+ |OT| A Fantasy Based On Reality
Tokyo Xanadu was pretty decent. Originally released in 2015, it was Falcom’s first “new-ish” IP in a while, basically blending part of Ys and Kiseki into an urban fantasy JRPG. As a whole, it’s a decent JRPG with lovable core cast, a nice story and an okay action gameplay component focused around short-burst dungeon clearing. The biggest issue with TX is that it’s a bit too derivative of Ys and Kiseki, but doesn’t exactly blend the best parts of it, but rather come together in a way that feels Ys-lite and Kiseki-lite. It has Kiseki’s NPC and world-building, but by taking place in a familiar, urban setting, the layered mystique of Zemuria’s world-building isn’t present in TX. While the game hints at a deeper underlayer in that world, it is not explored in TX, but rather teased for sequels. Its action combat, in structuring it to be more methodical than Ys, but confining it to a dungeon-based design makes the encounter, traversal and gameplay beats feel uninspired, even if there’s nothing bad about it. It’s short and tight enough to be fun, but it’s not especially great compared to Ys, even the ones without a jump button. But, Kiseki and Ys are two of my favourite franchises, and even a diluted experience of them combined still makes up for a great time. A sequel building off the foundation of TX, but with a more distinct identity instead of its current portmanteau of all things Falcom, would be great, not to mention a sequel that adopts a more matured look at the underworld of the Eclipse. The XRC is great. I love Rion, Asuka, Shio, etc. Kou is not a favourite of mine, but that’s because I feel that he’s a bit too vanilla, with only his personality really showing in the last 2 chapters. A small guilty pleasure of TX is how the game avoids harem-ing up Kou. Even though the game does ship-tease him with every girl to an extent, it’s actually more overt in ship-teasing Sora/Yuuki and Shio/Mitsuki, and that was a nice surprise. It was one thing I wanted Cold Steel to have done better too. (Jusis/Millium doesn’t count >_>) The game doesn’t go deep in romance, but Rion/Asuka/Shiori actually feels like they went through the appropriate development that could had made them fall for Kou. Also, Haruna and Reika are nice. Spika and the NPCs in general, are all pretty good.
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Thread: Sony PlayStation: First Party Studios & Projects |OT2|
There is a clear element of differentiation that needs to be considered here in regards to indies-on-PS4: First-Party: - Over the past few years, Sony has significantly divested from making their traditional indie-style games. They let go of publishing/funding for Edith Finch, Wattam, Rime, etc and sold it to third-party devs. There are still some - like Concrete Genie, Matterfall, etc, but quantity have definitely decreased. - On the other hand, investment in non-traditional indie games have increased. (PSVR/Playlink) - The ones making those decisions are people like Shawn Layden and Shu Yoshida. Adam Boyes/etc have no involvement or influence in first-party indie-scope games. Does Sony still fund and publish indie games? Yes. But they've significantly reduced the kind of games that appeal to the hardcore crowd in favour of indies that are for broadening up and selling to the wider market - Playlink and PSVR. Third-Party: - Over the past few years, Sony's presence in highlighting and championing third-party indie-games at their conferences have declined. - But, if we look at games that are actually released on the storefront - and if we look past purely the big stage events; as well as including PSVR titles, Sony still gets a ton of third-party indies, even darling games. - The big difference is that Sony doesn't do the 3-4 indie games that are their image-champions. The ones that people see as the tentpole pillar of "look, these are proof of Sony's indie-support". In choosing to reduce their conference time to approximately 1-hour per show, increasing VR focus among other things - they've diluted their third-party highlight of indie games. - The ones making decisions on indie games/3rd party are people like Phil Rosenberg ( Adam Boyes's boss ) and previously Adam Boyes/etc. Does Sony still get a lot of 3rd-party indie games/ Yes. The difference is they've significantly reduced their 'air-time' for those games at their major conference showcases - giving the impression they don't care. But the reality is that they're also doing the same for their AAA-partners games, if this E3 was an example of that.
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Thread: Sony PlayStation: First Party Studios & Projects |OT2|
To be fair, the most recent Gamescom's indie-showcase was entirely during the pre-show and the most recent PSX is pretty barebones in general as far as stage-related indies and indie announcements go.
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Thread: Sony PlayStation: First Party Studios & Projects |OT2|
Sony's showcases these days are shorter than their previous models - and I think that based off the positive responses to Nintendo's Nindies showcase and MS's more lengthy showcases which gives games its own slot, I think the hope is for Sony to go back to either having 90 minutes and finding a balance of merging pre-show content with show content in a more meaningful, non-montage way, or have something for the fans that exemplify a more proactive indie love. Personally I don't think it matters all that much so long as it doesn't actually hurt content output ( which is why I'm critical of first-party funding delineation to non-hardcore indie games, but don't mind pre-show model for indies ), but it definitely hurts the perception of Sony's support for indies among other things.
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Thread: Sony PlayStation: First Party Studios & Projects |OT2|
Those criterias laid out by Shawn also refer to "intent" and not necessarily "outcome." Like, games like Gran Turismo, The Last of Us and God of War are funded and published on the expectation and aim of being best-in-class. The investment in both time and money given to those projects speak for themselves. But whether or not those games hit the benchmark that Sony desires when they decided to fund those games in the first place still depend on the developer.
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Thread: Sony PlayStation: First Party Studios & Projects |OT2|
Whether or not BC is a killer-app is purely speculative, because the product with BC has not done as well as two products without. (Switch and PS4) But there is something in the future of games-business of which the importance of BC is paramount - and to create a product that prevents any sort of BC whatsoever will be a huge blow to the competitiveness and appeal of it. That something is called "Subscription Services."
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Thread: Sony PlayStation: First Party Studios & Projects |OT2|
Jim Ryan statement is really simple to understand. It's not complicated at all. "Downplay what you don't have."
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Thread: Sony PlayStation: First Party Studios & Projects |OT2|
I'm naturally referring more so to high AA/AAA games in the context of this discussion - it's always what is the key focus among this community.
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Thread: Sony PlayStation: First Party Studios & Projects |OT2|
The only man inside the walls of ND with more power than Neil Druckmann. Evan Wells.
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Thread: Sony PlayStation: First Party Studios & Projects |OT2|
There's no need to downplay a studio's supposed potential. That being said, Ninja Theory's own limitations will be themselves. In the video-doc that stated why they accepted to be bought by MS, they emphasized that they wanted the financial stability and full creative freedom to pursue what they want to deliver, while also being free from the "AAA" machine. That sounds to me - like NT will focus on delivering great games in the caliber of what their 100-person team can deliver - but without grinding themselves to forcefully make a AAAA-blockbuster or expand in a big way. By the way... and I'm guilty of this by commenting on it...
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Thread: PS5 and next Xbox launch speculation - Post E3 2018
The fact that PSNow is looking to include a 'download game' feature - imo is all that is needed as far as an indirect confirmation goes that PS5 will support BC. Here's the thing about BC - If Sony wants to explore ( not even have one, but explore ) building a subscription service like Gamepass, they need BC, even if they loathe BC to their core - because those services are often sold on a huge quantity of old games to pad up the "play 500 games now!" checklist. For them to include a feature into PSNow which will be obselete within 2 years once PS5 is out and the download game feature is unusable on PS5's PSNow app... goes beyond any notion of hubris or arrogance. It's downright stupid at that point.
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Thread: Sony PlayStation: First Party Studios & Projects |OT2|
That's why I said "in theory." In practice, it's more complicated than that. For me, if I were Shu and Shawn - my first order of business would not to be an acquisition panic, but to figure out how to get London Studio & Japan Studio to being able to produce titles that are closer in appeal and acclaim as the top studios, internally. And for Japan Studio external - to have ex-dev pipeline that sustainably releases games at the scope of Bloodborne more regularly than not. IMO, for the quantity of studios Sony WWS has - there is a huge gulf between what the flagship studios are doing vs the non-flagship ones. I do not expect Japan Studio to deliver a project at the scope of Uncharted 4 ever, but ideally? They should be able to have Gravity Rush 2 or SOTC/TLG level projects on a regular dev cycle.
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Thread: Sony PlayStation: First Party Studios & Projects |OT2|
In a timeline where superior taste reign, Ys/Adol are more iconic and popular than Legend of Zelda/Link!
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Thread: Sony PlayStation: First Party Studios & Projects |OT2|
If Sony wants to buy a mid-tier Japanese developer with the long-term aim of growing them to be like Monolith, as much as I LOVE Falcom, they are not the studio to buy. An acquisition must factor existing scale, work culture, technology, among other things. Media-Vision or Tri-Ace are more rational acquisition examples for studios that have the same potential to scale up and have the in-house technology to facilitate that
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Thread: Sony PlayStation: First Party Studios & Projects |OT2|
Level-5 is independent. But they don’t need to be owned because they’re financially sustainable on their own terms - they are a publisher-developer now, they fund their own games easily.
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Thread: Sony PlayStation: First Party Studios & Projects |OT2|
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: The romanticism of 'internal studios' vs 'external studios' has always been inflated. At the end-game of it all, it is about the games and the question that Sony needs to answer is 'does the games publishing landscape demand them to adjust their publishing portfolio in light of a new competitive landscape?" I don't enjoy making overt comparisons, but let's put it this way - MS, despite the lack of internal teams for many years - do not actually have significantly less games published compared to Sony in their pipeline? Why is that? It's because they worked with external studios - and Sony has done the same. 2 of Sony's 'fab 4' are not internal team, but externally published games. In theory, a publisher does not need to own any studios at all to be a world-class publisher, so long as there are enough independent studios out there ( or even non-independent ones that will accept publishing deals ) to build a publishing portfolio. It's fine to discuss what the competition is doing and thinking about what Sony should do - but be more broad-minded about it, because companies rarely copy what others do bit-for-bit, when the environment and situation are different.
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Thread: PS5 and next Xbox launch speculation - Post E3 2018
Sure, but I expect GT SE7EN to basically be just GT Sport : Definitive Edition with 4K Patch/Weather Patch/Single Player Campaign Expansion/All the Cars/Tracks DLC. The next numbered GT after 7 will be when the cycle begins anew and assets are reset again.
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Thread: Sony PlayStation: First Party Studios & Projects |OT2|
If WILD is ready to be 're-revealed', yes. If not, no. If anything, I'm thinking they might do Gamescom this year instead of PGW. Using Gamescom as the platform for Dreams/WILD/Concrete Genie/Medievil, etc.
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Thread: Sony PlayStation: First Party Studios & Projects |OT2|
You're missing the point of why the intermission was so boring. Announcing anything there means the audience who were there - on transit to the different venue, would miss out on those announcements. To me, the single core problem with Sony's E3 this year, if I were to sum it in one sentence - is that they cared more about the press who were there at the event than the people watching from the internet. There are fundamental issues with the setup of the event, but it's not as if they were completely blind to it. The simple fix would've been to not move the audience at all but they made the bed they lied on.
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Thread: Sony PlayStation: First Party Studios & Projects |OT2|
That's what I'm saying. They prioritised the experience of those 1,000+ press members who were there instead of the millions watching on the live-stream. The press who had to move to the different location didn't have to sit through those 15 minutes. We did. And they didn't do anything for us aside from that intermission, which was poorly done.
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Thread: Sony PlayStation: First Party Studios & Projects |OT2|
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Thread: Sony PlayStation: First Party Studios & Projects |OT2|
Companies are never content with what they have. And they cannot anyway, as it is expectations for public companies to grow and grow. Even if they have a winning formula, they'll look for a formula that they think can win even more. Not necessarily to their benefit.
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Thread: Sony PlayStation: First Party Studios & Projects |OT2|
This sort of snarky reply is not appreciated. If you disagree, you can ask why he feels that way - and what aspects needs improvement among other things. Or you can ignore the person if you feel his opinion is not worth rebuking.
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Thread: Sony PlayStation: First Party Studios & Projects |OT2|
Spectacle. From Sony's point-of-view, their E3 success in previous years ( from a presentation perspective ) is attributed to 2 things - "the focus on games, and no talking head" and "the spectacle of a show." A 'direct' only serves the former, and doesn't serve the latter. And their chase of a spectacle has led them astray this year; being too cute for the sake of cuteness.
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Thread: Sony PlayStation: First Party Studios & Projects |OT2|
Sony's attempt at trying something new this year fell flat for sure. But it's fine; so long as they recognise that and do better next year. Unlike last year, the general consensus is clear that they didn't hit their landing, whereas the other conference that had both quality and quantity did.
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Thread: Sony PlayStation: First Party Studios & Projects |OT2|
The increased importance of BC in recent years is not just about the changing landscape of live-games and digital library. But also - services. Sooner or later - Sony will naturally want to have a pie of the subscription service and in the landscape of sub-based services having the expectation to offer a dense library on day one these days, on top of the newer expectations where these services actually also deliver some new games day-and-date, BC becomes even more important because it keeps the library access to the titles long-term. And as we've seen with MS and EA - sub models didn't stop them from pursuing and investing into streaming tech. The logic that Sony aren't actively also exploring the sub model just because they have PSNow have always been misguided. Sony will not actively cut off a potential revenue stream just because they already have something else similar-ish.
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Thread: Sony PlayStation: First Party Studios & Projects |OT2|
Without any new major announcements this E3, there has been no major development in news on first-party front. At most, the fact that Deracine exist means that the path forward for a continued FROM x Japan Studio partnership remains. Just not this generation.
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Thread: Sony PlayStation: First Party Studios & Projects |OT2|
If this gen was any indication - Sony's 'readiness plan' for PS5 has no bearing on their core studios at all. Sony will naturally make sure there are launch and launch window games, but they won't necessarily do a Switch and prepare a super 12 month first-party roadmap. The games for PS5 will be ready when they're ready. Make your voice heard. Tweet at Sid Shuman/PS Account/Shawn Layden. Here's the simple fact right now. Sony believes in their 'one-hour format.' They'll probably recognise the feedback on the poor setup of the intermission, but that is easily fixable... but even if they fix that, if they don't change their mindset of their "one-hour structure", indie and other games will always - always be relegated to stuff that is not the main show. Here's the thing - Sony has valid reasons to do that. Similar to how they're pushing the "Countdown to E3" thing and having new content on the stream, they want the engagement for their platform to be more than just the conference. So as an audience, you need to make it known to them that they need to balance the audience wants vs their business wants - or else business will always win out. And unfortunately, games like Concrete Genie and Dreams will not get the 'why isn't it in the presser' complaints from influencers. It can only come from the ERA-crowd like -the super hardcore.
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Thread: Fate/Grand Order |OT| Welcome to Another Hell
20 tickets and 252 quartz for Jalter. Pretty much all my free quartz. All I have left is 12 paid quartz.
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Thread: Fate/Grand Order |OT| Welcome to Another Hell
No shame in wanting Arthur Pendragon
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Thread: Fate/Grand Order |OT| Welcome to Another Hell
Early March. Next month should have Chaldea Boys Collection, Prison Tower, and a new Story Chapter.
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Thread: Fate/Grand Order |OT| Welcome to Another Hell
I already have Vlad/Nero Bride/Tamamo, so I need 2 more good Arts servants on my backline. Shiki and Kuro would be perfect.
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Thread: Fate/Grand Order |OT| Welcome to Another Hell
I'm one of the luckier ones. Spent 7 tickets and pulled a 10-roll, got Umu Bride. Pretty happy with my line-up now. Having NP2 Vlad, Umu and Tamamo pretty much means I have one of the best Arts line-up, and Jack has been a huge difference maker in the team, with her ability to generate stars like crazy.
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Thread: Fate/Grand Order |OT| Welcome to Another Hell
From start till now? 5*: Vlad (initial 10-roll/reroll hell), Tamamo (paid gacha), Jack, Vlad NP2, Nero Bride. 4*: Nero, Sumanai, TamaCat, Salter, Liz, Herc, Emiya, Lancelot. 5* CE: I think I've got most of them, but Kaleido and Formalcraft continues to elude me.
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Thread: Fate/Grand Order |OT| Welcome to Another Hell
Looking at this shop, it isn't that desirable compared to GudaGuda. I've only just cleared the 4* XP from 10AP, still has all the fous left to buy. I'm just going to get all the fous, dragon scale and some monuments that I'm a bit shorter on after ascension needs. The cream of the crop for this event is clearly the refreshable lottery; and the CE for that is available to everyone anyway.
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Thread: Fate/Grand Order |OT| Welcome to Another Hell
Nah, before that. Halloween thing is just a joke. The MLB-ed CE only adds changes 20->40%, so you gotta weigh if you still has the benefit from it. I mean, you can either fit your entire support team with the 5* CE to make them more appealing for your friends, or give you give yourself one 40% CE with some additional 20% ones.
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Thread: Fate/Grand Order |OT| Welcome to Another Hell
At least you managed to get a top tier SSR. That’s the best one can hope for
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Thread: Fate/Grand Order |OT| Welcome to Another Hell
Black Keys. Black Keys. Black Keys. Umbra CE. Worthless it's all worth- WHAT WAS THAT RAINBOW SPARK!? I'VE NEVER SEEN THAT BEFORE!? My first 5* servant since launch re-roll that wasn't paid gacha. Daughteru came home.
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Thread: Fate/Grand Order |OT| Welcome to Another Hell
Some people do legitimately have EX-rank luck. HDKirin on Twitter definitely is up-there.
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Thread: Fate/Grand Order |OT| Welcome to Another Hell
lol. I started from "ok, I will not spend more than 90 quartz on tamamo banner" to "ok, I'll burn everything on tamamo" to "ok I'll spend only $80 a year" to "hmm, maybe I can afford to double that per year...." So this is gacha power...
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Thread: Fate/Grand Order |OT| Welcome to Another Hell
I'm resigned to the possibility that I may never have any SSR pulls aside from paid gacha. Luckily FGO to me is much more than just getting rare servants, else I would've dropped out a long time ago. I like the story and it's fun to just play here and there.
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Thread: Fate/Grand Order |OT| Welcome to Another Hell
You lucky devils. Tamamo and Kiyohime came in my guarenteed gacha pull. Tamamo was my no.1 most wanted of all the SSRs, so that was good. That being said, I should've realised that pulling a jealous fox and a yandere snake in the same 10-pull meant that they would never let me get Scat. 2 10-pulls and got NOTHING. Not even a SR servant. Only got Fergus. :(
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Thread: Fate/Grand Order |OT| Welcome to Another Hell
Yeah, the other rolls were wasted; but it was still a 11% chance for Tamamo that delivered. Can't be too salty. Scat also is ultimately main for waifu reasons anyway, there's not that much that I would need from her gameplay wise in terms of the team composition I have at the moment, which is arts + zerk. Failure to get Scat here only means that I'm gonna grail my Cu to 80.
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Thread: Fate/Grand Order |OT| Welcome to Another Hell
I'm glad to be back on the trails of salt & tears. That being said, this new Carmilla animation update makes getting 3 copies of her during the Tamamo Failure less painful.
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Thread: Nintendo First-Party Thread
I haven't been doing as much follow-up and research on Nintendo's first-party talent due to how interconnected some of their internal teams are, so if anyone could link me to a 'Nintendo first-party teams 101 guide' it would be helpful. By the way, I do this and update it on a relatively regular basis for fun:
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